

For the benefit of the residents of and visitors to, in particular but not exclusively, the town of Poole:

  1. to promote social inclusion by preventing people from becoming socially excluded and, by relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society;
  2. to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare, for recreation and leisure time occupation, with the objective of improving conditions of life; without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious, or other opinions by associating together residents, visitors and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations;
  3. to promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being mainly, but not exclusively, by the provision of chaplaincy services to offer advice and support.
‘socially excluded’

For the purpose of this clause ‘socially excluded’ means being excluded from society, or parts of society as a result of one or more of the following factors: Unemployment; financial hardship; youth or old age; ill health (physical or mental); substance abuse or dependency including drugs and alcohol; discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender reassignment; poor educational or skills attainment; relationship and family breakdown; homelessness or poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable standards); crime (either as a victim of crime or as an offender rehabilitating into society).

©2025 Poole Community Exchange Charity No 1178207


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